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Easter Services

Thursday 28th March 8pm. Maundy Thursday Evening Informal Communion. 

In this informal time we'll read through the events of the night before Jesus died, we'll pray, we'll break bread together around tables and chat. Takes place in the Stephens Memorial Hall, behind Christ Church.


Friday 29th March 2.00pm. Good Friday Afternoon Service.

Some time to stop and reflect at the cross. We’ll hear a dramatised reading of the gospel account of Jesus’ crucifixion with songs. It’s a bit like a carol service, but at Easter.


Sunday 31st March 6.30am.  Easter Sunrise Service.

A short Bible reading of the first Easter morning in the Christ Church garden. Bring a flask of coffee/tea/hot chocolate.


Sunday 31st March 10.30am. Easter Day All Age Service.

A joyful celebration of Jesus’ victory over death for everyone.