I'm Struggling
27 May 2022 16:51
Jesus said to them, "it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." - Mark 2v17, the Bible
Let's be honest, we all struggle in different ways. Some people have the idea that you need to be sorted out before you can come to church. That's not true.
The truth is that Jesus came for people with mess in their lives - sinners, doubters, addicts, damaged people. Whatever it is that's troubling you, we'd like to help, and we believe that Jesus is who you need most.
Come and see us on a Sunday and please contact our vicar for a chat any time. Below are a list of helpful websites you could look at now.
Care for the Family provide resources to help marriages and families.
Christians against Poverty specialise in dealing with debt-related problems.
X3watch offers free resources and advice to help tackle internet pornography.
Emma Scrivener writes a wonderful blog which offers realistic, spiritual help in facing a range of issues of identity, especially eating disorders.
True Freedom Trust and Living Out provide support to people dealing with issues of sexuality.